Support and Volunteer

Clermont Playground Community Build Volunteers

We are building an incredible playground in Clermont at Hettling Park. We need your help to construct the playground with the assistance of other skilled professionals. No skill is required from you and folks of all ages and abilities are encouraged to show up and lend a hand. We will find a job for you!

Community Build dates will start on May 2, 2025

See our Signup page to pick a date and time that works for you. 

Let's have fun and create a gathering space for our children!

Can you donate materials?
Can you provide equipment?
Do you have professional skills to offer?

Here is a brief list of some of the materials we will need. Any assistance or donations would help us tremendously. 

Consider a Monetary Contribution

Contributions to the Clermont Parks Fundraiser will directly benefit the playground initiative.

ACT NOW – DONATE TODAY (scroll down to find out how)

 Instructions for Contributing Online

Instructions for Contributing by Check 

CHECKS can be made out to “Open Space Institute” and must have Friends of Clermont Parks in the memo of the check. 

Mail checks to: Open Space Institute, 1370 Broadway, 5th Floor, New York, NY 10018

Non-Profit Fiscal Partnership

Friends of Clermont Parks (formerly the Clermont Parks Committee) is fiscally sponsored by Open Air Institute, Inc., a non-profit that works to “protect land for people, for wildlife, forever”. Contributions to Clermont Parks are received by Open Air Institute, and will therefore be tax-deductible.

Fiscal Partnership with

For more iniformation, contact Friends of Clermont Parks (formerly the Clermont Parks Committee) at: